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Candidate Screening

Candidate Screening

Identity checks

Checking a candidate’s identity is the most fundamental of all the pre-employment requirements; it forms the basis of all other checks. We request original identity documents and check their authenticity during a face-to-face meeting. We have invested in an electronic ID document-scanning device to support the manual process. All applicants must provide a combination of documents that show their photo and current address as per NHS Employers standards and the DBS Code of Conduct. In exceptional circumstances, where checks reveal any discrepancies, we have a clear escalation process.

Right to work in the UK checks

Each applicant can expect an equal and evidence-based approach to their work status in the UK. All applicants must provide clear evidence of their right to work in the UK as per The Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 and Home Office regulations. All documentary evidence is checked and verified, and clear copies are held securely. We must be provided with a combination of documents stipulated by the Home Office. In certain circumstances, we conduct follow-up checks for applicants with time-limited and restricted right to work in the UK.

Criminal record checks

Criminal record checks help us to ensure that unsuitable people are prevented from working with vulnerable groups. We carefully consider any criminal history dates, alongside other information gathered for applicants. This ensures fair, safe and effective recruitment practice. In the UK, we obtain the following criminal checks:

  • Disclosure and Barring Service (England and Wales) – we utilise e-Bulk to speed the process up
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (Scotland)
  • Access NI (Northern Ireland)

We also have provisions for conducting:

  • Garda Vetting checks (Republic of Ireland)
  • Australian and New Zealand police checks

For obtaining overseas police checks, we are able to direct applicants accordingly.

We will always assess applicants’ eligibility for a police check and only conduct the criminal records checks to the required level. This is determined during the recruitment process. Your World Recruitment Group has a clear policy on criminal record checks and recruiting ex-offenders.

Employment history and reference checks

Employment and reference checks allow us to gain a better picture of the applicants’ previous employment/training or other activities undertaken before the recruitment process with Your World Recruitment Group. As a minimum, we aim to confirm at least a period of three consecutive years of continuous employment/training prior to the application being made. All references must be received from a business email address or be on headed paper with a company stamp. Our full policy is available on request.

Professional Registration and qualification checks

As part of our recruitment process, we will verify if the applicants are qualified and competent to perform the role that they applied for. This is carried out through the following checks:

  • Clinical interview
  • Skills check
  • Literacy and Numeracy Competency test
  • Evidence of relevant qualifications
  • Regulatory body check and HPAN and regulatory body alerts

Work Health Assessments checks

The extent of the health assessment carried out is dependent on the role the applicant has applied for. Your World Recruitment Group has appointed SEQOSH, an accredited occupational health screening provider, to ensure the quality of our process. We understand the importance of health and safety obligations and equality law. We have a duty of care to our applicants and will work with our clients on work health assessments or any reasonable adjustment needed for our workers. We receive updates from Public Health England and refer to the Department of Health Green Book on vaccination requirements.

Work health assessments are carried out prior to placement and on an ongoing basis (at least once a year or upon any changes in health or nature of work declared by the applicant).

Mandatory Training

Each applicant must evidence that they are competent in the following areas (depending on their profession and speciality):

Resuscitation Training to the required level, Moving and Handling, PMVA/MAPA if applicable, Mental Capacity Act 2005 if applicable, Health, Safety and Welfare including COSHH and RIDDOR, The Caldecott Principles/Information Governance, Record Keeping and Caldicott Protocols, Handling Violence & Aggression/Conflict Resolution, Complaints Handling, Countering Fraud, Equality and Diversity, Bribery and Corruption in the NHS, Fire Safety, Lone Worker Training, Food Hygiene, Infection Prevention and Control (Including MRSA & Clostridium Difficile, Preventing Radicalisation, Safeguarding Children and Young People Level 2 or 3, NEWS. Midwifery candidates will additionally need CTG and Resuscitation of New-born Training.

Appraisal and Revalidation

We support our agency workers with their appraisal and revalidation. Nurses are supported directly by our in-house Clinical Advisory Team. We have also partnered with a Revalidation service provider for Doctors.

We closely monitor workers’ performance by obtaining clinical feedback from their placements.

If you have any questions about Your World Recruitment Group's Candidate Screening process, please contact a member of our team, who will be happy to help.